Performance Data & School Plans
California’s new accountability and continuous improvement system provides information, based on a concise set of measures, about how local educational agencies and schools are meeting the needs of California’s diverse student population.
The new California School Dashboard multiple measures system replaces the former Academic Performance Index (API), which was based solely on testing results, and the federal requirement to calculate Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).
Castro Valley’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) details our four major goals for our students and lists specific actions, services and budgets to support those goals.
Both state and federal law require all public schools to prepare and distribute a School Accountability Report Card (SARC) to provide parents and the community with important information about each public school including demographic data; test results; class sizes; teacher and staff information; curriculum and instruction descriptions; parent involvement opportunities, “adequate yearly progress” of students in achieving state academic achievement standards; Title 1 Program Improvement, graduation rates at the secondary level; and , the extent to which “highly qualified” teachers are teaching core academic subjects.SARCs are always published one year following the data gathering.
Hard copies are also available at each school site upon request. Please contact your school office to obtain a printed copy.
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a document that represents a school’s cycle of continuous improvement of student performance. The annual process of developing, reviewing, and updating the SPSA includes a comprehensive review of data and the development of actions necessary to achieve school goals. The plan also addresses funding and proposed expenditures related to state and federal categorical programs. The SPSA contains the School Action Plan, Safe Schools Plan, School Parental Involvement Policy, and Home-School Compact. Each year, the School Site Council and the local governing board approve the SPSA. For additional information on school programs and how you may become involved locally, please contact your school's principal. |