Curriculum Resources
Castro Valley Unified School District highly values the instructional expertise of its teaching staff. The Elementary Curriculum Guide provides a comprehensive resource for all elementary teachers, administrators and staff delineating the beliefs, practices and resources essential to the district’s elementary education program. It also includes an articulation of what students should know and be able to do, and district expectations for teaching staff as we work collaboratively to ensure that all students graduate from high school prepared for college with a career plan.
Educational Services coordinates CVUSD district-wide services to English Learner students. Our English Language Learner (ELL) Coordinator, Guillermina Gutierrez, is the Title III Coordinator and works with the Educational Services staff and schools to ensure CVUSD meets the needs of our English Learners and our programs and support structures follow Federal and State law. This includes parent communication, ELPAC Initial and Summative testing, Professional Development on effective EL instructional practices, researched-based materials and resources. District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) meetings are held five times a year at the District Office led by ELL Coordinator, Guillermina Gutierrez. The agendas (translated in Spanish and Simplified Chinese) are posted 72 hours at the District Office and each school site. Each site that meets the CDE EL enrollment threshold are required to have a school site English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) which, among other things, meets four times a year and must contribute to your annual SPSA. The school EL Mentor and site principal meet with the parents of English Learners to ensure the needs of the students are met.
The draft CVUSD EL Master Plan will be reviewed and approved this year during school, District Committees and DELAC. Please refer to the following document as a reference:
CVUSD EL Overview
Elementary ELD Handbook
In order to support our teachers and ensure that they remain current on curriculum and learning standards, evolving instructional best practices, effective pedagogy to engage and enhance student learning, while meeting the needs of our changing student population, the District has invested in instructional coaches - also known as Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSAs).
Our TOSAs are in a unique position to positively affect classroom instruction to the benefit of our students. TOSAs are themselves classroom teachers with unique areas of expertise. They represent elementary, middle and high school teachers in the core areas of literacy, mathematics, science, and technology. TOSAs come alongside to share information, teach model lessons, assist in building lessons and curriculum, conduct classroom visits, and provide feedback - all in a non-evaluative manner to assist our teachers in developing their effectiveness in meeting the learning needs of their students.