Board Meetings

Welcome to BoardDocs!
The Castro Valley Board of Education has moved board meeting agendas to a new BoardDocs® Plus platform. 

Should you have any questions, please contact [email protected]
Regular Meeting (normal, scheduled business meetings of the Board):
The agenda must be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. 
The public is allowed to address the Board on items on the agenda and items that are within the Board's jurisdiction that are not on the agenda. The Board may set public comment time limits.

Special Meeting (called before the next regularly-scheduled Board meeting):
The agenda must be posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Only items on the agenda may be considered. The public is allowed to address the Board, but only concerning items on the agenda for consideration.

Workshops are called a few times each year to allow the Board and staff to discuss one or two items in depth. Workshops are informal. Board members often engage directly with members of the public and staff during Workshops. 

Emergency Meeting (work stoppage, crippling activity, or other activity that severely impairs public health, safety, or both)
A one-hour notice must be given by phone to local media. (There is an exception for a “dire emergency,” in which there is a “crippling disaster, mass destruction, or terrorist act). Only items listed on the agenda may be considered. Minutes should be taken and must be posted in public within 10 days.
Closed Session Items: prior to closed session. 

Items Not on the Agenda: this item is listed on the agenda as "public comment on Non-Agendized items", public comment regarding items not listed on the agenda will be heard at that time. (regular meetings only, does not pertain to special meetings) 

Items Listed on the Agenda: Members of the public attending the meeting wishing to address the Board regarding items on the agenda may do so when the item is under consideration, assuming the item falls within the Board’s jurisdiction.
Individuals who would like to address the Board must complete a “Request to Speak” blue form on the back table in the boardroom or via the Google form and submit it prior to the start of the agenda item.

Your name will be called, and you will either come to the podium to speak or unmuted during your turn and be allowed to make public comments. After the allotted time, you will then be re-muted. 

Individual speakers are asked to limit their comments to no more than three (3) minutes, unless the Board decides otherwise. There are up to 30 minutes of public comment allowed on each agenda item. With Board consensus, the President may increase or decrease the time allowed. This meeting is being recorded to prepare the official minutes.
To comply with the Brown Act, the Board may listen to comments from the speakers under "Public Comment," but can neither discuss nor take action on the issues presented.
Opening Business/Closed Session:
The Board will open the meeting and establish a quorum. The Board will identify closed session items. 
Board/Staff/Student Rep./Superintendent Comments:
Board members, Staff, Student Representatives, and the Superintendent will share site visits, or events attended, as well as to celebrate the great work of the district/staff.   
Consent Calendar:
Items that are considered to be routine and will be enacted in one motion. No discussion of these items will be held prior to the time the Board considers the motion unless a board member requests for an item to be discussed or removed. 
Items presented to the Board for action, discussion, or informational purposes. These items will have the recommendation which will outline what is being asked of the Board.

Closed Session- What is Closed Session on an Agenda?
Closed Sessions are confidentially held with the Board and any designated individual(s) or legal counsel. The allowable closed session topics come from the statute (Brown Act). 

Are decisions made in Closed Session? 
Action in Closed Session is reserved for only specific types of items. Generally, actions taken in Closed Session must be reported to the public in Open Session.

Why are they not responding to my public comment?
The Brown Act guarantees the public's right to attend and participate in meetings of local legislative bodies. All of the Board's work is done in public, except for closed session items. Therefore, the Board cannot discuss a topic that is raised in general public comment because that item was not on the agenda and other members of the public would not have an opportunity to be present.