Transition to By-Trustee Area Election System & California Voting Rights Act (CVRA)
UPDATE: 2 Additional Map Options Created
To date, the District has conducted four public hearings as part of the District's transition from "at-large" to "by trustee area" elections. Based on online feedback and discussion at the map public hearing on June 14th, the demographer created two additional map options – Scenario 4A and Scenario 5. The original 4 draft trustee area maps will remain under consideration along with the newly released map options – totaling 6 options under consideration.
Scenario 4A was created in an attempt to follow elementary school attendance areas. Since the attendance areas cross through or split up Census blocks, it is not possible to keep these areas perfectly intact, but Scenario 4A, thematically, is based on attendance areas to the extent possible. Scenario 5 was created as north-south “strips.”
All 6 maps are available for review below.
As always, we encourage your continued participation and input during the last and final public hearing on June 28th. If you cannot attend and wish to review and/or comment regarding the proposed map options under consideration, please submit your comments and feedback to [email protected], via ThoughtExchange, or comment via telephone at 510-537-3000 extension 1211. All map preference feedback will be relayed to the Board prior to its discussion and adoption of a map option.
We look forward to your continued participation!
Message to CVUSD Community RE: Map Options for CVRA Transition from “At-Large” To “By-Trustee Area” Elections - June 5, 2023

Map Options for CVRA Transition from “At-Large” To “By-Trustee Area” Elections
June 5, 2023
Dear Castro Valley Unified School District Community:
As the District continues to move through the process of transitioning to “by-Trustee-area” elections under the legal requirements of the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA), we have reached a critical point. The District is releasing four map options to the community for study and input. All four of the map options being considered meet the legal requirements outlined in CVRA.
The District is providing three in-person opportunities to the community to review and provide feedback over the next month before the Board of Education votes on June 28, 2023 for a map that will be put into effect for the next Board elections in 2024.
This release of map options comes at the end of the “Pre-Map” period wherein the District engaged the community with two public hearings to solicit input before drawing map options.
Each map option for consideration:
- Meets the equal population requirement (that each trustee area have equal population with up to a 10% variance);
- Increases the voting power of the largest protected classes in the District (Hispanic/Latino; Asian; and African American) by Citizen Voting Age Population (CVAP/eligible voters) in at least one Trustee Area based on up-to-date CVAP statistics compared to District-wide averages – including at least one Trustee Area per map with an Asian plurality by CVAP;
- Complies with the Federal Voting Rights Act;
- Respects communities of interest as much as possible;
- Is compact and contiguous as much as possible; and
- Follows man-made and natural geographic features as much as possible.
Upcoming Meeting and Hearing Schedule
June 12, 2023 – 1st Public Hearing regarding Map Options at 5:00 p.m. during the Governing Board meeting at the District Office Board Room District Office Boardroom, 4400 Alma Avenue, Castro Valley, CA 94546 or via Zoom at If you are participating via Zoom and would like to address the Board, please complete a “Request to Speak” form via the Google form and submit it prior to the start of this agenda item.
June 14, 2023 – 2nd Public Hearing regarding Map Options at 6:00 p.m. during the Governing Board meeting at the District Office Board Room District Office Boardroom, 4400 Alma Avenue, Castro Valley, CA 94546 or via Zoom at If you are participating via Zoom and would like to address the Board, please complete a “Request to Speak” form via the Google form and submit it prior to the start of this agenda item.
June 28, 2023 – 3rd Public Hearing regarding Map Options at 6:00 p.m. and adopt map option during the Governing Board meeting at the District Office Board Room District Office Boardroom, 4400 Alma Avenue, Castro Valley, CA 94546 or via Zoom at If you are participating via Zoom and would like to address the Board, please complete a “Request to Speak” form via the Google form and submit it prior to the start of this agenda item.
The Castro Valley community is invited to attend as many meetings and public hearings as you would like. If you cannot attend and wish to review and/or comment regarding the proposed map options under consideration, please submit your comments and feedback to [email protected] or comment via telephone at 510-537-3000 extension 1211. All map preference feedback will be relayed to the Board prior to its discussion and adoption of a map option.
We look forward to your continued participation!
Parvin Ahmadi
Message to CVUSD Community RE: Transition to a New System of Electing Board of Trustees Members - April 27, 2023

Transition to a New System of Electing Board of Trustees Members
April 27, 2023
Dear Castro Valley Unified School District Community:
I am writing to update you and to encourage your participation in an important process led by the Castro Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees.
On April 26, 2023, the District initiated the process of transitioning the method by which the Board of Trustees are elected. Under the current “at-large” system, all registered voters in the District’s boundaries can vote for all candidates for Board. Under the new proposed system, candidates will be elected by “trustee areas.” This means only voters within a given trustee area can vote for candidates who reside within that same area. The intent of this proposed system is to offer greater opportunities for Board representation for candidates that might not otherwise be elected under an at-large system.
Transitioning to this new system will require the Board to hold public hearings on proposed trustee area boundaries (or maps) prior to asking the County Committee on School District Organization to approve the change. If the Committee approves the change, “by-trustee area” voting would be held starting with the 2024 Board of Trustees election, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
The District will be utilizing the services of a professional demographer to prepare draft trustee voting area plans for community and Board review. The demographer will work with the District’s legal counsel to ensure that all draft trustee area map options are in compliance with the California Voting Rights Act (“CVRA”) and other districting requirements. The process of establishing the trustee areas will involve using the demographic data from the 2020 Census, in addition to other, accepted population and demographic information. Please note, that this process has no impact on student and school attendance boundaries.
Before draft map options can be prepared and presented to the community, the law requires the District to hold two public hearings to solicit comments and feedback regarding potential trustee areas. Thereafter, the District will be hosting a series of public hearings regarding the map options, once created. The dates/times and locations of the upcoming public hearings are shown below. You are invited to attend as many as you would like. If you cannot attend a hearing or meeting and wish to review and/or comment regarding potential trustee areas as well as on the proposed “trustee area” maps, once created, please do not hesitate to submit your comments and feedback to the email address below. Following the initial public hearings, the proposed maps will be created and posted on the District’s web site.
Please feel free to contact Aimee Cayere, Executive Assistant, with any comments or questions by calling 510-537-3000 extension 1211 or by email at [email protected]
We look forward to your participation in this important process in the coming weeks.
Parvin Ahmadi
Live Feedback Opportunities (Prior to Creation of Map Options)
Live Feedback Opportunities (After Creation of Map Options)