TK & Kindergarten Enrollment Information for 2025-2026

Castro Valley Unified School District is excited to welcome you to the start of your student's educational career as a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) or Kindergarten (K) student.

Transitional Kindergarten in the 2025-2026 school year is a program available to those students turning five from September 2nd 2025 to September 1st of 2026.  TK classes are currently offered at Independent Elementary (serving Independent and Jensen ), Castro Valley Elementary (serving CVE and Proctor), Marshall (seving Marshall) Palomares (serving Palomares) Vannoy (serving Vannoy & DLI) and Stanton Elementary (serving Stanton and Chabot).   

Enrollment Timelines
The TK and Kindergarten Enrollment Timeline for the 2025-2026 School Year is as follows:
TK and K "priority" enrollment starts on Monday, January 13, 2025 and concludes on Friday, February 28, 2025. Any students enrolling in grades TK and K after February 28, 2025 would not receive sibling priority and may not have residence/neighborhood priority. Please note that we have periodically experienced impacted enrollment for Kindergarten at various schools.  Those students not assigned a space in their neighborhood school will be diverted to the next closest available school and will be automatically placed on the waitlist for their neighborhood school.
To enroll a student in TK or Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 School Year, complete the "New Student Enrollment Steps" when it opens on January 13, 2025 (HERE)
Age Requirements

For the 2025-2026 School Year


Transitional Kindergarten

Children who turn five on or between September 2, 2025 and september 1, 2026 may enroll in the TK program (DOB 9/2/2020- 9/1/2021)



Children who turn five years of age on or before September 1, 2025 may enroll in the K program (DOB on or before 9/1/2020)


Find your School
Click on the link above to enter your address for resident schools and to view a map of the district. 
The list will provide you with the assigned elementary school based on resident address.  Please note that 9th-12th grade students are assigned to Castro Valley High School, 6th-8th grade students are eligible to attend Canyon or Creekside (see 6th Grade Student Enrollment Tab).