Interdistrict Transfers (To or From Other School Districts)


Please mail or scan interdistrict transfer requests to Ms. Annette Burt, ([email protected]).
  • We begin receiving requests for interdistrict transfer for the next school year no earlier than March 1st. While we do our best to process requests and make determinations quickly, we must confirm that enrollment processes for resident students complete first. We will make every effort to either approve or deny requests before the start of the school year.  In some instances, we may not be able to determine if we can approve a request until the a number of weeks after school begins.  While awaiting our decision, continue with registration and enrollment in your district of residence, and plan accordingly so your student does not miss a day of school.
  • For current school year requests, parents/guardians will receive a transfer decision notification within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the request.
  • For future school year requests, parents/guardians will receive a transfer decision notification as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the beginning of the school year for which interdistrict transfer is sought.
  • For new interdistrict transfer applications, parents/guardians must complete the enrollment process within 10 business days of receiving an interdistrict transfer approval notification from CVUSD.
  • Failure of the parent/guardian to meet any timelines established by the district may be deemed abandonment of the request.

Interdistrict Transfer Requests INTO Castro Valley Unified School District

A parent or legal guardian of a student living outside the CVUSD boundaries may request a transfer for that student to attend a school within the CVUSD.  If you wish to apply for an Interdistrict Transfer, you must first start the process by obtaining an approved Interdistrict Transfer Application (see link on margin of this webpage) from your home district of residence.  Once approved by your home district, your application can be submitted to our Enrollment Department at the CVUSD Office (or via the email listed above) immediately for current school year requests or no earlier than March 1 for the following school year. 
All applications must include:
  • A copy of the most current transcript or report card
  • Attendance records from current school
  • Discipline records from current school
  • Most recent IEP, 504, or any other information explaining individualized services required for your student
  • A written explanation and supporting documentation to describe the reason(s) for your request
Due to expected space limitations and impacted enrollment, CVUSD may approve Interdistrict Transfer applications only as required by CA Education Code and Board Policy.  
Approvals are granted based on available space and verification that the student meets the transfer criteria outlined below as verified by required documentation.  If an approval is granted, you will be notified by email with instructions to begin the CVUSD enrollment process.  Transfer approval status updates will not be available prior to official notification. If a transfer application is approved, please be advised that your student may be diverted to another school at any point should enrollment at that school become impacted.  If this occurs, your student can only be diverted one time per CVUSD Policy. 
Castro Valley Unified School District accepts students on interdistrict transfer agreements based on the following criteria:
  • Students are accepted on a space-available basis
  • Your student must be making satisfactory academic progress
  • Your student must regularly attend class/classes on time and for the duration of class time
  • Your student must not have any behavioral or discipline problems
  • All transportation will be provided and/or arranged by the parent/guardian
Additionally, and in accordance with the Alameda County Interdistrict Transfer Application Terms and Agreements, a permit may be denied, revoked, or rescinded at any time by the Castro Valley Unified School District for the following reasons:
  • Student is excessively tardy or absent from school, or is brought to school excessively early or left excessively late
  • Student fails to uphold appropriate behavior standards
  • Student fails to make appropriate academic efforts
  • False or misleading information was provided
  • Other conditions that occur that would render continuance unadvisable
If during the school year any of the above conditions are not met the transfer may be revoked and you/your student will be directed back to your/their home district.  
*Once an interdistrict permit has been granted, a student is not required to reapply, except that any student transitioning from elementary school to middle school and middle school to high school must apply for a new interdistrict attendance permit.


If your transfer application is denied, you will receive a letter with instructions on how you may appeal this decision. You may request further explanation or reconsideration from the CVUSD Student Services Department. Additionally, you may contact your resident county office of education to request a formal appeal hearing.  You have the right to appeal a school district's final decision to the presiding county board of education within 30 days of the date of the final denial of transfer.  Below is a link to the Alameda County Office of Education.

Interdistrict Transfer Requests FROM CVUSD to Another School District

Requests for students living inside the CVUSD boundaries wishing to attend a school outside of our district boundary lines must be approved by CVUSD before it is forwarded to the district which the student is requesting to attend.  
Download the Interdistrict Transfer Application, fill out the form, attach the required documentation and bring it to the Student Services Department located at CVUSD, 4400 Alma Ave., Castro Valley.  We will complete the CVUSD portion of the request, and it will be the parents/guardians' responsibility to obtain approval from the requested transfer district.
The transfer district must give their approval before the student is allowed to attend a school outside of the CVUSD boundary lines.  Applicable students should continue attending school until the transfer application has been approved, new enrollment has been completed, and withdrawal has been completed from the CVUSD school.