Mid-Alameda County SELPA » Community Advisory Committee - CAC

Community Advisory Committee - CAC

What is the CAC?



The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is comprised of representatives from each district within the SELPA whose role through that body is to give input in the planning and operation of special education. This steering committee operates under the Bylaws set by the committee and elects officers to run the committee.  The function of the Community Advisory Committee is to advise and act within the limits of the Local Plan for Special Education and to recommend annual priorities for possible inclusion in the Plan. The CAC assists in parent education, recruit parents, and encourages public involvement in the development and review of the Local Plan. 


Our Mission:

- Enhance the education for all students with disabilities
- Increase understanding of Special Education issues.
- Build the advocacy skills of our family/caregiver community through education and support.

If an interpreter is needed please allow 72 hours' notice of the meeting date to request one. Please contact the Mid-Alameda County SELPA Staff Technician


Si se necesita un intérprete, por favor permite 72 horas antes de la fecha de la reunión para solicitar uno. Comuníquese con el técnico del personal de SELPA del condado de Mid-Alameda

CAC Meeting Schedule 2023-2024
Meeting Dates Flyer/Agenda Meeting Minutes
September 21, 2023 Agenda Minutes
November 16, 2023 Agenda Minutes
January 18, 2024 Agenda Minutes
March 21, 2024 Agenda Minutes
May 23, 2024 Agenda  
2023-2024 Parent Workshops 
Workshop Dates Flyer Presentation Slides
March 7, 2024, 6-7 pm Virtual  Flyer Link
April 18, 2024 6-7 pm Virtual Flyer  
May 16, 2024 6-7 pm Virtual Flyer  
                                                         Previous CAC Meeting Schedule 2022-2023 
Meeting Dates Flyer/Agenda Meeting Minutes
  September 15, 2022  5-6 pm   Agenda Minutes
November 2, 2022  4-4:15pm
(Special Meeting)
Agenda Minutes
  November 17, 2022  5-6 pm Agenda Minutes
  February 16, 2023  5-6 pm Agenda Minutes
  March 16, 2023  5-6 pm Agenda Minutes
  May 18, 2023  5-6 pm Agenda Minutes
Previous Parent Workshops
Workshop YouTube  Presentation Slides
Family Resource Navigators
"Understanding Your Child's IEP Goals"
Link Link
 Kyo Presents: 
"Summer Break"
Link Link