Measure G - Project Updates

On Thursday, October 10th, 2019 CVUSD Staff presented to the Board Measure G projects completed to date.
Palomares ES
Proctor ES
CVHS - 400 Bldg, Engineering
Jensen Ranch ES
CVHS - Wellness
Canyon MS - Wing G/Cafeteria
Canyon MS - Cafeteria
Canyon MS - Staff Lounge
CVHS - 100 Bldg
CVHS - 100 Bldg
CVHS - Wellness
CVHS - Wellness
CVHS - Wellness
CVHS - Engineering
CVHS - Engineering

April 29, 2019 - School Community Updates

Suzy Chan, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, and Sharon Trieu-Quince, Director of Facilities, have been holding Measure G Community Update Meetings at each of the school sites.  At those meetings, project update information is shared.  For site specific information, please see the school handout.

Alma Preschool

Canyon Middle School

Castro Valley Adult and Career Education

Castro Valley Elementary

Castro Valley High School

Chabot Elementary School

Creekside Middle School

Independent Elementary

Jensen Ranch Elementary

Marshall Elementary

Palomares Elementary

Proctor Elementary

Redwood High School

Stanton Elementary

Vannoy Elementary


On Thursday, August 22nd CVUSD Staff presented to the Board Measure G projects completed over the summer. 

Jensen Ranch ES

Marshall ES

Marshall ES

Marshall ES


Palomares ES

Palomares ES
Proctor ES
Proctor ES
Proctor ES
Proctor ES
Proctor ES
Redwood HS
Redwood HS
Stanton ES
Vannoy ES
Vannoy ES
Canyon ES
Canyon ES
Canyon ES
Canyon ES
Canyon ESChabot ES
Chabot ES
Creekside MS
Creekside MS
CVHS Wing 500
CVHS Wing 500
CVHS Wing 500
CVHS Wing 500
CVHS Wing 500
CVHS Wing 500
CVHS Electrical Switchgear Replacement
CVHS - Wellness
CVHS - Wellness
CVHS - 400, Engineering
CVHS - 400, Engineering
CVHS - 400, Engineering
CVHS - 400, Engineering